A celebration of the man (2015)

Julie Solberg/Erika Cederqvist
A Kiss Me Production


His own room investigates male prejudices and play with scenarios and situations in which men are made into subtle victims. It is a glance into the future, where a therapy session takes place, an open invitation for well being, satisfaction, healing and restoration of the man.

Idea, concept, performers: Julie Solberg (NO)
Erika Cederqvist (SE)
Director: Maarten Lok (NL)
Scenography: Chandra Sen Jakobssen (SE)
Light design:  Willemijn Ottevanger (NL)
Visual images/films/audio: Daniel Kang Yoon Nørregaard (DK)

Supported by: Norsk Kulturfond, Fond for Frilansere

Presented at: Oslo Internasjonale Teaterfestival/Black Box Teater, Kunstnernes Hus, Het KunstneHuis, Amsterdam, Fringe-festival, Amsterdam, Theater Ins Blau, Leiden